French-Swedish Business Summit
To watch the replay of the French-Swedish Business Summit click here
To download the programme of the day click here
For the photo gallery from the day click here
In the wake of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union the first six months of the year, and following the high-level exchanges between Sweden and France, the French-Swedish Business Day will take place in Paris on December 4 at the historic premises of Banque de Suède et de Paris, Place Vendôme.
This is a Team Sweden / Team France project, organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in France in collaboration with the Swedish Embassy, Business Sweden, the French Embassy and Business France in Sweden, within the context and in furtherance of the Innovation Partnership Act entered between France and Sweden in 2017 and in the process of being updated with new strategic areas of cooperation to be launched in France on the December 4th event.
On the theme "Strategic innovation collaborations for a competitive Europe”, a high-level Conference and a French-Swedish Tech & Innovation Exhibition are being organized, followed by a high-level networking dinner with remittance of the Price of Excellency, an award that distinguishes Swedish companies for their exceptional performances on the French market.
The event aims to promote Swedish-French businesses by offering a platform for exchange of know-how and values, for the sharing of future visions and challenges, and for finding opportunities to contribute to a collaborative building of a sustainable economic world. The occasion is excellent for high-level networking with decision makers and entrepreneurs, developing Swedish-French partnerships, creating new businesses and furthering trade relations between France and Sweden in both directions.
Date: Monday 4th of December 2023
Time: 13.15 - 19.00
Venue: Le Pavillon Vendôme, 7 Place Vendôme, Paris 1er
The historic landmark of Banque de Suède et de ParisProgram
13.15 Registration
14.00 - 17.30
High level Conference – French-Swedish Business Summit
"Strategic innovation collaborations for a competitive Europe"
17.30 - 19.50
Networking cocktail
French-Swedish Tech & Innovation Exhibition
French-Swedish forest cooperation & Woodlife Sweden exhibition
18.45 Speakers :
HE Etienne de Gonneville, Ambassador of France to Sweden
Henrik Vassallo, Wallenberg Office, Investor & FAM
Tammouz Eñaut Helou, General Secretary, UCFF Union de la Coopération Forestière Française
Demonstration of innovations from the traditional industrial world and from start-ups of the new economy
French-Swedish Business Summit
Strategic innovation collaborations for a competitive Europe
High level conference with focus on security and defence, energy development, electrification, forest resources, mobility, resilience, digitalisation, environmental, social and regulatory challenges. Technology developments, skills and future talent needs will be an integral part of the program.
13.15 Registration
14.00 Welcome by Gîta Paterson, President Swedish Chamber of Commerce in France
Opening by HE Håkan Åkesson, Ambassador of Sweden to France
Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry
Håkan Jevrell, State Secretary for Foreign Trade
Moderator: Linda Nyberg14.30 Round table panel I
Setting the foundation of competitiveness by innovation and collaborationHistorically, Europe was the birthplace of some of the 19th and 20th century’s most extraordinary innovations. Europe is still home to many science-led universities and world leading companies in various industrial sectors. However, globalization, political and societal changes have developed into a strenuous competitive situation for Europe with its democratic values and free trade endeavours. What are the principal European challenges for rebuilding competitivity? What are the strengths and weaknesses for building competitive European industries? What are the French-Swedish synergies for R&D and innovation in Europe? Do we have the necessary innovation and R&D clusters in Europe? How can France and Sweden accelerate European innovation collaborations in strategic fields such as aerospace, mobility, AI, cyber security and energy with examples of best practices and implementation of collaborations.
Katarina Björklund, Vice President EU and NATO Innovation, Group Government Affairs, Saab AB
Marc Fontaine, CEO Helsing France
Jacob Stedman, CEO Blykalla
Dan Zethraeus, Founder and Chief Technology Officer Elonroad
15.20 Coffee break15.45 Round table panel II
Talents, competences and skills for competitiveness
What are the needs of industries and businesses for building a competitive Europe in terms of talents and skills? What are the needs
for new technology developments related to energy resource developments, AI, deep tech, security etc ? What are the strengths and
weaknesses of the European educational systems? How can we increase the talent pool by re-skilling and up-skilling our workforce ? What measurements are needed for an adequate educational training and an intensified co-operation between academia and the industry? How can we advance integration and retention based on the Swedish-French social values ?Thierry Coulhon, Acting Chairman of the Board, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Pär Olsson, Head of the Physics Department at KTH Royal Institute of TechnologySara Wallin, CEO Chalmers Ventures
16.30 Round table panel III
Resilience for an industrial sustainable transformation
European executives are facing a challenging environment. Acomplex geopolitical situation, the Hamas -Israel conflict, the enduring
challenges associated with the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and a rising inflation are strongly impacting Europe. Significant government investments to foster innovation and growth, such as the US Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and other non-European countries investments in green manufacturing are challenging the competitive position of our continent. How should a resilient European industrial strategy for a green transformation be conducted (innovation, infrastructure investments, reindustrialization, regulatory adaptation and harmonisation, state aid framework, critical raw materials ….)
Sandro Baldi, Commercial Director - NUWARD – EDFMats Gunnarsson, Executive Vice President and Head of Commercial Operations Scania
Christian Leon, Head of Ericsson France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Algeria & Tunisia and Head of Global Customer
Unit Orange at Ericsson
Jean-Jérôme Semat, Managing Director Alfa Laval France & NWA
Jörgen Sjöstedt, Senior Vice President, Europe South & West Volvo Trucks
Closing remarks by HE Etienne de Gonneville, Ambassador of France to Sweden
17.30 End of conference
Guests are invited to the French-Swedish Tech & Innovation Exhibition and Networking cocktail
French-Swedish Business Summit – Strategic innovation collaborations for a competitive Europe
Linda Nyberg
Linda Nyberg is an experienced Head of Marketing and Communications, Board member, Speaker and Moderator. Background in media with almost 20 years in TV, working for national and global media networks like SVT, TV4 in Sweden and Aljazeera TV Network. Linda has studied at Uppsala University, Sorbonne, Paris, and University of Alberta.
Roland Lescure
Minister Delegate for Industry
Roland Lescure has several academic degrees from Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole nationale de statistique et
de l’administration économique (ENSAE) and London School of Economics (LSE). His professional career : 2009 - 2017 First vice-president and chief of placements – Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ), 2006-2009 Deputy CEO – Groupama Asset Management, 2005-2006 Deputy CEO – Natixis Asset Management, 1999-2005 Ixis Asset management, 1997-1999 Chief economist – Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (INSEE), 1992-1997 Chief economist – Ministère de l’économie et des finances (French Ministry for Economy and Finances).
Elected office : Minister Delegate in charge of Industry (France) – since July 4th 2022, Member of Parliament – French National Assembly – June 2017/June 2022, President of the Committee on Economic Affairs of the French National Assembly – June 2017/June 2022.
Håkan Jevrell
State Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Between 2020-2022 Mr. Jevrell was Ambassador and Special Envoy on Organised Crime, having previously served as Sweden’s Ambassador to Singapore between 2013-2018 and as Sweden’s representative in Taiwan 2018-2020. He has served twice as State Secretary to the Minister of Defence between 2007-2010 and 2010-2012. He has also served as Political Adviser in the Prime Minister’s Office as well as Justice Officer in the Moderate Party Parliamentary Secretariat. State Secretary Jevrell has a degree in law from Stockholm and Hannover universities and has also served as a Public Prosecutor in Stockholm (Västerort). He is also a Reserve Officer in the Swedish Navy, holding the rank of Captain.
HE Etienne de Gonneville
Ambassador of France to Sweden
Etienne Le Harivel de Gonneville has been the Ambassador of France to Sweden since September 9, 2020. Prior to that, he had been Senior Advisor for strategic affairs and continental Europe to the President of the French Republic, since May 2017. A graduate of Sciences Po and the University of the Sorbonne, Etienne de Gonneville is a career diplomat. He has held several posts in the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, in Paris: in the Department for Strategic Affairs, Security and Disarmament, and in the Asia and Oceania Department, and abroad: in Iran (2000-2003), in the United States (2006-2010), and in Vietnam (2010-1013).
HE Håkan Åkesson
Ambassador of Sweden to France
Åkesson started his career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1995. Since then he has held various positions in Stockholm and abroad. He served as Counselor and Deputy Head of Mission at the Swedish Embassy in Singapore from 1998 to 2002 before moving to Ethiopia where he was Ambassador from 2002 to 2005. During this period, he was also accredited to the Sudan and Djibouti. He was then Ambassador to Turkey from 2010 to 2013. Until his appointment as Sweden’s Ambassador to France in 2020, Håkan Åkesson was in Stockholm and served as Director General of Administration at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Håkan Åkesson has a degree in economics from Uppsala University in Sweden and is former foreign student at Ecole Nationale d’Administration, Paris and University of Montpellier.
Sandro Baldi
Commercial Director, NUWARD - EDF
Sandro Baldi started off his career in 2004 as research fellow for Surrey University in UK in charge of experimental studies in the field of fluid dynamics. He then joined EDF Group in 2006 as Nuclear Safety Engineer in EDF Energy in UK working on the Generic Design Assessment (GDA) for the UK EPR design. Within the same project he soon moved to positions related to project management helping setting up the quality arrangements and project controls for GDA. From 2008, after the acquisition of British Energy by EDF, he joined Nuclear New Build (NNB), EDF Energy division in charge of delivering Hinkley Point C and Sizewell C projects. As part of NNB he covered a number of positions before moving to EDF France as Head of Schedule Management function and deputy Head of Project Controls for Hinkley Point C where he lead the first establishment of a fully integrated project baseline. From May 2016 he has been appointed as Head of Products and Strategy within the New Build division of EDF Group, where he was also in charge of the SMR international strategy and partnership and of the overall EDF Group coordination for the UK HPR1000 GDA and the Bradwell B project led by a CGN-EDF JV in UK. Sandro was appointed as NUWARD TM Commercial Director in 2021. Sandro graduated in Nuclear Engineering from the Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and holds a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering awarded by the University of London.Thierry Coulhon
Acting Chairman of the Board,
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Thierry Coulhon has a long track record in higher education and research. Agrégé inmathematics (1981), he holds a DEA in the history and philosophy of science (University of Paris I, 1985) and a habilitation to direct research in mathematics (University of Paris VI, 1991). Thierry Coulhon has held several academic management positions during his career, both in France and internationally. He was President of University of Cergy-Pontoise (2004-2008), Director of the Mathematical Sciences Institute of the Australian National University in Canberra (2012-2015) and President of Paris Sciences et Lettres (2015-2017). He alsoserved as Special Advisor, and later on as Deputy Director, to Valérie Pécresse, former Minister of Higher Education and Research (from 2008 to 2010). He was Director of the "Centers of Excellence" program at the Commissariat Général à l'Investissement (from February 2010 to August 2012). He was then appointed Education, Higher Education, Research and Innovation Advisor in the office of French President Emmanuel Macron (from June 2017 to October 2020). Since November 2020, he has been president of the Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur.
Katarina Björklund
Vice President EU and NATO Innovation, Group Government Affairs, Saab AB
After her MSc, Katarina Björklund started her career at Saab AB as system engineer within Business Area Aeronautics. Over the years she has held several line manager positions and been part of Business Units’ management teams. Katarina has vast experience from international collaboration, e.g. leading the EDA project Future Air Systems for Europe’. The project consisted of a broad consortium, with 29 partners from 10 different nations, and was tasked to define a roadmap for the European aeronautic defence industries in the 2035 timeframe. She has also been responsible for the Strategic Business Planning within Saab. Since 2012, Katarina has been actively working with Research and Technology (R&T)
within ASD, the AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe. In recent years, Katarina has had a special focus on EU-related R&T activities, such as the EDF. In her current function within Group Government Affairs, her work focus encompasses EU as well as NATO innovation and R&T.______________
Marc Fontaine
CEO Helsing France
Marc Fontaine is the CEO of Helsing in France, the leading European AI Defence company. Previously CDO of Airbus, a company in which he held various executive positions over 20 years.
Mats Gunnarsson
Executive Vice President and Head of Commercial Operations
Born in 1967, married with 2 children, Mats Gunnarsson began his professional career at Scania in 1992 as a trainee,
after completing both technical and business studies. After holding various positions, he wasappointed Regional Sales Director, Western Region, in the Sales and Marketing department in 1997. In 2000, he moved into a management roleas Managing Director of the import sales subsidiaries in Luxembourg and Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 2003, he left Scania to join theSwedish subsidiary of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. In 2004, he joined the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg as Senior Engineer in the Projects Department, before being appointed Senior Adviser. He returned to Scania in 2009 as SeniorVice President, Vehicles Sales and Logistics Support, and two years later joined the prestigious French subsidiary as Managing Director until 2011, when he spent 6 years as Executive Regional Director Commercial Operations in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 2021, he has been Executive VicePresident and Head of Commercial Operations and a member of the Executive
Board.Pär Olsson
Head of the Physics Department at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Pär Olsson is professor of physics and Head of the Physics Department at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm since 2020. He is the Director of the national Sunrise centre on sustainable nuclear energy research and is representing Sweden on the Euratom scientific and technical committee. He was previously head of Nuclear Engineering and of Reactor Physics at KTH (2016-2020) and has worked at the university since 2011. He was an industrial researcher at EDF R&D between 2005 and 2011 and has throughout his career worked on nuclear and energy technology, with particular focus on materials research and development. He has published over 100 scientific papers, several bookchapters and is Editor in chief of Nuclear Materials and Energy. His graduates are working in research labs and industry all over the world.
Christian Leon
Head of Ericsson France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Algeria & Tunisia and Head of Global Customer Unit Orange at Ericsson
On June 8, 2023, Christian Leon took over the position of Head of Ericsson France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Algeria & Tunisia and Global Account Orange for Ericsson – in addition to his role as Managing Director of Ericsson France. He is based in Paris. 48-year-old, Christian Leon joined Ericsson in 2010. He was previously VP Networks and Managed Services for Ericsson Europe and Latin America for over three years. An engineer by training, he has spent a large part of his career in the USA & Sweden in multiple Technological & Sales positions. Christian Leon graduated from CentraleSupelec in 1998. Christian served as navigation officer in the French Navy. His key focus areas are the delivery of Ericsson’s strategic plan, driving the deployment of 5G connectivity for enterprise & consumers, and the continued development of Ericsson’s R&D center in France. The five countries he is leading are home to over 1500 employees who support some of Ericsson’s key customers.
Jean-Jérôme Semat
Managing Director Alfa Laval France & NWA
Jean-Jérôme Semat leads Alfa Laval's activities and represents Alfa Laval Group in France and North and West Africa since 2017. He previously held sales and marketing management positions for major companies in the HVAC industry. Alfa Laval is a 140 years-old Swedish company, and world leader in the fields of heat exchange and transfer as well as fluid separation. The company is celebrating 140 years of existence in 2023. Alfa Laval supports manufacturers in the energy, agri-food, biotech and pharmaceutical sectors, as well as the maritime transport industry, in their efforts to decarbonise their activities, thanks to cutting-edge equipment and service solutions.
Jörgen Sjöstedt
Senior Vice President Europe South & West Volvo Trucks
Jörgen’s journey within the Volvo Group started in 1995 after various assignments he 2012 joined Volvo Buses as Vice President Sweden and Nordic. With an organization of 100 persons he led the transformation to electrification of public bus transport in Sweden. 2018 Jörgen took up the position as Volvo Trucks Managing Director/Vice President Volvo Group Peru and was responsible for managing the complete Volvo Group business in Peru. From 2020 Jörgen has been Senior Vice President for Volvo Trucks Europe South & West. The organization is one if the largest and most sustainable Sales Areas in Volvo Trucks and was awarded Sales Area of the Year 2021.Jacob Stedman
CEO Blykalla
Jacob Stedman is CEO of Blykalla, a Swedish deep-tech startup that designs and markets lead-cooled SMRs. He is an entrepreneur and business leader with 20 years of experience, who has founded and led several start-ups and scale-ups, most recently as co-founder and CEO of the Nordic SaaS leader Platform24. Jacob also spent 6 years with McKinsey & Co as a consultant, focusing on electricity production and climate change.
Sara Wallin
CEO Chalmers Ventures
Sara Wallin is a highly regarded figure in the Nordic startup ecosystem. As the CEO of Chalmers Ventures, she has played a pivotal role in the success of numerous startups. With a decade of experience in the startup ecosystem, Sara possesses a profound understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs. Previously, she served as the regional CEO of Sweden’s largest governmental bank, focusing on startup investments. Sara’s first hand experience in co-founding and working in telecom and edtech startups provides her with a unique perspective. She is actively involved in the startup ecosystem, serving on multiple boards and being recognized as one of the top influencers in the Swedish startup scene. Sara Wallin will, as from January 2024, become chief executive of the Chalmers University of Technology Foundation.
Dan Zethraeus
Founder and Chief Technology Officer Elonroad
Dan Zethraeus is aprominent Swedish film director, musician, and entrepreneur. With extensive experience in music and film production, he served as a sound technician and directed music videos, short films, and TV series for national broadcasters. Zethraeus was affiliated with Framfab, a leading digital agency in the late 1990s, contributing to game developments. Zehraeus is the founderand Chief Technology Officer of Elonroad, a pioneering Swedish cleantech company driving electrification through innovative conductive charging solutions. Established in 2014, Elonroad, under Zethraeus's leadership, is scaling electrification, offering significant cost savings and operational flexibility for diverse sectors such as ports, mines, and public roads. As the Chief Innovation Officer at Elonroad, Zethraeus continues to lead advancements in conductive charging technology, shaping the future of sustainable transportation.
French-Swedish Tech & Innovation Exhibition
The afternoon summit will be followed by an interactive Tech & Innovation Exhibition. At the French-Swedish Tech & Innovation Exhibition large Swedish companies and French-Swedish start-ups will be showcasing innovations of new technologies and deep tech solutions. There will be meetings, demos, networking, impact and innovation discussions.
The Exhibition Woodlife Sweden
Forests make up almost 70 per cent of Sweden’s area and forest products have long been one of Sweden’s major export products. The projects presented in the Woodlife Sweden exhibition are all facing the looming paradigm shift in the construction industry, where wood as the only renewable building material plays a key role. Wood is a timeless and renewable raw material that meets the latest technology in Swedish wood architecture. This exhibition is show-casing contemporary wooden projects from all over Sweden and it visualise how architecture, design, and urbanism can help reduce the climate impact of buildings and products, and impact future development in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The exhibition Woodlife Sweden was produced by the Swedish Institute and Architects Sweden in collaboration with Swedish Wood, the Swedish Wood Award and the Swedish Forest Industries Federation.
Photo credits : Martin Edström/imagebank.sweden.seBlykalla is a Swedish producer of small modular reactors (SMRs). We develop and build the next generation of nuclear power, enabling clean, safe, and consistent baseload energy. Our reactor is based on 25+ years of research which Blykalla is now taking to market. It uses lead as a coolant, which makes it possible to achieve passive safety in its most compact form, and has important benefits in terms of safety and system simplifications. Our mission is to cut global CO2 emissions by 500 megaton annually through the replacement of fossil power plants. That is 1% of global emissions, or 10x Sweden's emissions, every year. We are currently working together with international utilities and partners like Uniper and OKG to deliver Sweden’s next nuclear reactor, with planned criticality by 2029. Read more about
our journey at www.blykalla.comAtlas Copco Group, présent dansplus de 180 pays, met en place une technologie qui transforme l'avenir. Depuis 150 ans, notre mission estde parvenir à une croissance durable, rentable et inclusive. Cela signifie que nous œuvrons à générer une croissance continue, avec un impact positif accru sur la Société et l’Environnement et en promouvant la diversité et l’inclusion. Nous innovons pour développer des produits, des services et
des solutions qui sont la clé du succès de nos clients. Nos quatre domaines d'activité proposent des solutions d'air comprimé et de vide, des solutions énergétiques, des pompes d'assèchement et industrielles, des outils électriques industriels et des solutions d'assemblage et de vision industrielle. En 2022, le Groupe a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 13 Md€ et employé 49 000
personnes.Alfa Laval and SSAB joined forces producing the first fossil-free heat exchanger. Concept Zero is their vision and target to produce the world’s first carbon neutral heat exchanger by 2030. It will be a heat exchanger using fossil-free steel and recycled material in the gaskets. Additionally, the heat exchanger is prepared to easily be recycled. A huge step already now on our journey towards a fully carbon neutral heat exchanger. The goal is to have the first unit made from hydrogen-reduced steel ready for use in 2023.
The world cleanest dirt bike ever made
Vattenfall will jointly exhibit with CAKE about a joint initiative that aims at demonstrating that we can break free from fossil fuels in the automotive sector. Our goal is to produce the world’s cleanest dirt bike by 2025 by removing carbon emissions from production chains. The ambition is to reduce the estimated carbon weight of 1,186 kg per bike close to zero. We want to inspire the entire automotive industry to do the same and go fossil free. At the exhibition we will showcase the CAKE Kalk, a groundbreaking electric motorcycle that aims to inspire towards a zero emission society. We will also present a three-dimensional visualisation of the bike’s carbon footprint, and show a video explaining in details what we are trying to achieve with the project and how we are doing it.
Delivering products that provide a high level of performance is deeply rooted in our DNA, and was one of the reasons why the first CEJN coupling was designed. The surrounding world is constantly evolving, presenting us with new challenges every day. We work closely with our customers during the development phase and guarantee to provide them with the best and safest performance products on the market. By unlocking the creativity of our staff and their interest in experimenting with new technologies we are constantly stretching the boundaries of what is possible. With six decades behind us and a number of different innovations in our arsenal, our global organisation remains one step ahead. This includes how we operate, the technologies we apply and our commercial approach. Innovation by performance.
Elonroad enables 100% automatic charging ofelectric trucks, buses, vans and cars… That brings an unmatched user experience
and takes sustainability to new heights. Moreover,this makes an easier and cheaper thus faster transition to electric transport and mobility. With battery size reduced by a factor of 3, EV prices can be reduced by 25% and the same gigafactories can serve 3 times more vehicles. Trustedby TRV, Bring, Elis, EIT Urban Mobility, EIC, Aisin… Elonroad is proud to be a France 2030 winner in a project managed by VINCI. Dan and Valery are glad to introduce and show, for the very first time in France, Elonroad technology and to discuss its benefits with you. Join Elonroad in the virtuous circle of theelectric transition at the cost of legacy solutions.At the French-SwedishBusiness Summit and later with your exclusive voucher.
www.elonroad.comEssity breaks barriers to well-being. Climate change is one of the defining issues of ourtime and its global effects are far-reaching. As one of the world’s leading hygiene and health companies, Essity is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. We are working to overcome global challenges with innovations throughout our business and operations, across all our brands, and through partnerships and cooperations. Our commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050is fully integrated with our vision to be the undisputed global leader in hygiene and health and our purpose “Breaking Barriers to Well-being”. Sustainability has been integrated in our business for many years and we have made good progress in reducing our carbon footprint to date. The exhibition will allow visitors to see someinnovations relating to Essity’s journey to Net Zero, in some key areas such as waste management, fossil fuel reduction, resource efficiency or technology breakthrough.
Glenntex is a Swedish Deeptech that is committed to pioneering a sustainable future with a profound societal impact by reducing virgin plastic consumption through smarter material design. Based in Gothenburg, Glenntex is founded at Chalmers University of Technology, the team formed as a spin off out of Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship and the Department of Materials Science. With proximity to SIO Grafen, Glenntex is poised to introduce nanotechnology to build a sustainable relationship with plastics and composites. At the center of our innovation lies a drive to strengthen the circularity of plastics, propelling companies toward transcending the EU's 2030 circularity goals. Our solutions empower companies to decrease their carbon footprint substantially, facilitating a reduction of CO2 emissions by a remarkable 1,500 tons. This also enables industries to optimize plastic utilization, achieving a consequential 30% reduction in consumption. In partnership with Glenntex, companies are empowered with the capacity to integrate up to 98% recycled plastic within their design.
Ericsson France R&D Center will share its latest work on AI for 6G networks and 5G satellite. In the first demo we will present an AI native solution to enhance theair interface channel performance. The wireless channel between the mobile device and the radio base station is highly complex. Using machine learning technologies, the wireless channel can be learned to a higher accuracy level, thus enabling better adaptation and higher performance. The demo also illustrates the Digital Twin functionalities, which can be used to accurately characterize and optimize communication systems in realistic scenarios. In the second demo we will present 5G satellite. While 98% of theworld’s population is covered by the existing cellular networks, only 30% of the landmass has mobile coverage, while there is no coverage in sea and polar areas. So how can we improve area coverage? At Ericsson France, we believe that satellite networks could be aperfect complement to the existing networks in providing true global coverage to consumer smartphones and Internet of Things. In our simulation demo that was developed in the Ericsson France R&D department, we show how satellite communications can be a key ingredient for offering 5G services literally anywhere in the world.
Helsing is a new type of defence AI company. We believe that software, in particular artificial intelligence, will be the key to protecting our democracies. Our purpose is to attain technological leadership so that democratic societies are free to make sovereign decisions and control their ethical standards. Our approach is software-first. We partner with industry and governments to connect existing and new hardware platforms with advanced AI. Helsingrecently announced that it has raised €209m in a Series B funding round led by General Catalyst. The Swedish group Saab is joining the round as a strategic investor, deepening the existing partnership.
Climate change challenges us all to think anew. When creating Kvisten we’ve questioned every detail, method, and material with the perception that we could do more – and better. So instead of taking one small step at a time, we ended up taking a giant leap at once: by improving every step to find a path to go beyond. Kvisten isa unique luminaire with thoroughly thought out details in every aspect. The luminaire body made entirely of wood, has a neat and natural feel – and a promise of a brighter future. Throughout the process, conscious choices were made to enable complex solutions around details, methods and materials. Kvisten is built from 77% recycled or renewable materials. The luminaire body is made of pine plywood and birch veneer and the reflectors are reused from old television sets. The louvre was made using only half as much plastic compared to conventional Delta louvres. The wooden body was joined using traditional craftsmanship and without any screws or other attachments. The result is an innovative – and at the same time traditional luminaire. Kvisten is 1200mm, and has two different light distributions: direct or direct/indirect light. It is also compatible with our wireless plug-and-play system for light control, Organic Response.
As a technology provider, GEOLITH brings to the market, and to its customers, the necessary equipment to extract lithium from any liquid source, in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. Li-Capt® technology is adapted to be implemented in any project, thanks to its performance and modularity. This patented technology is achieving very promisingresults, both in conventional and unconventional resources, proving that alternative and competitive production methods are a very realistic prospect for the near future. GEOLITH's Li-Capt®technology is applicable to any liquid source of lithium, bringing to the market a disruptive technology that will enable the success of states energy transition agendas, allowing for local and sustainable lithium production, as well as securing the supply of this critical material, which will sustain the growth of electric mobility worldwide.
KTH Royal Institute of Technology is the engine of Stockholm’scelebrated innovation ecosystem. At the university, KTH Innovation helps close to 400 teams of students and faculty validate their early-stage tech ideas every year. KTH Innovation supports ideas in all areas, but has special expertise in deeptech. They work closely with regional and international partners to enable more technology and knowledge from KTH to create impact in society. KTH Innovation has developed and exports a unique startup innovation development framework inspired by NASA, the KTH Innovation Readiness LevelTM, which offers methods and processes used by hundreds of universities and organizations worldwide.
Novatron Fusion Group AB is a Swedish company headquarteredin Stockholm.We are developing the NOVATRON concept – an innovative reactor solution for
stable magnetic plasma confinement. Partnerships include KTH Royal Institute of Technology www.kth.se and EIT InnoEnergy www.innoenergy.comThe NUWARD SMR is targeted to replace old high CO2-emitting coal, fuel, oil and gas power plants around the world as well as offering the capability of supporting other usages such as hydrogen production, urban and district heating or desalination. Based on proven Pressurized Water Reactor technology, it is a 340MWe plant with two reactors of 170MWe each. Led by NUWARD, EDF subsidiary, the project relies on the skilled and valued contributions of EDF, CEA, Naval Group, TechnicAtome, Framatome and Tractebel. www.nuward.com
Saab is a leading defence and security company with the mission, to keep people and society safe. It has operations all over the world and is part of the domestic defence capability of several nations. In France, we work with our partners to offer innovative multi-domain technologies.
Barracuda Soldier System: Saab develops and manufactures a comprehensive range of camouflage solutions for increased survivability and force protection.Sirius Compact: A modular and scalable passive Electronic Warfare sensor network, providing a true force-multiplier by enhancing situational awareness.
DVM-200: Saab’s emerging product protectsairborne platforms with maximum effectiveness against guided and unguided
threats.SKF is aworld-leading provider of innovative solutions that help industries become more competitive and sustainable. By making products lighter, more efficient, longer lasting, and repairable, we help our customers improve their rotating equipment performance and reduce their environmental impact.Through this exhibition on SKF booth, we will highlight our innovations through products and solutions we can offer to our customers: RecondOil technology which allows oil to be filtered and reused indefinitely, bearings dedicated to electrical vehicles, ceramic and advanced hybrid bearings for Aerospace and solutions for e-aviation, and remanufacturing solutions. Visitors will be able to meet our SKF managers and specialists to talk about these innovations in line with sustainability. Together, were-imagine rotation for a better tomorrow – By creating intelligent and clean solutions for people and the planet.
www.skf.com /www.skf.fr
® SKF is aregistered trademark of the SKF GroupUrban Linker is an innovative recruitment agency,we are experts in headhunting top talents for Sales and Tech positions. We offer a tailor-made service within the ecosystem of international companies.Our team of headhunters specializes in recruiting the perfect candidates for you. Jobseekers and recruiters, we fully understand your needs and aspirations and we are dedicated to finding the perfect match. Our vision is clear: maintaining our premier status in the French market and conquering the global stage. Urban Linker is not just a recruitment agency; we're trailblazers in shaping career journeys and propelling companies to success. www.urbanlinker.com
French-Swedish Tech & Innovation will be followed by Soirée Franco-Suédoise.
To learn more about Soirée Franco Suédoise, click here.
Founded in 1937 primarily for Swedish air defence, Saab develops advanced defence, security and air traffic management systems. With a wide range of civil and military programs on Swedish, European and international markets, Saab is also a leading systems integrator of high-end tailor-made technologies for our customers. Saab's subsidiary in France has for the past 5 years supported our governmental customers (Ministère des Armées, Direction des Services de Navigation Aérienne, Sécurité Civile, etc.), as well as our industrial partners of the French defence industrial and technological base. Today, Saab in France is committed to a strategy of investment and sustainable industrial development.
Atlas Copco is a Swedish industrial group that is a world leader in air, gas and steam compression as well as expansion technologies. Founded in 1873 in Stockholm, the group has grown to become a major player in the industry with a presence in more than 180 countries around the world. Atlas Copco is divided into several operating divisions, each specializing in areas such as air compressors, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools, automation solutions, and more. The company focuses on innovation and sustainability, developing products and solutions that contribute to energy efficiency and reducing its customers' carbon footprint. The Atlas Copco Group is also devoted to providing excellent customer service through its global distribution and maintenance network. Its reputation is built on the quality of its products, its reliability, and its ability to meet the needs of its customers in various sectors, including manufacturing, construction, mining, oil and gas, and many others. Atlas Copco is committed to promoting sustainability through its corporate strategy and social responsibility initiatives, aiming to minimize the environmental impact of its operations and improve the working conditions of its employees.As a world-renowned industrial group, Atlas Copco continues to play a vital role in the growth and prosperity of many industries around the world.
Ericsson enables communications serviceproviders and enterprises to capture the full value of connectivity. The
company’s portfolio spans the following business areas: Networks, Cloud Software and Services, Enterprise Wireless Solutions, Global Communications Platform, and Technologies and New Businesses. It is designed to help our customers go digital, increase efficiency and find new revenue streams. Ericsson’s innovation investments have delivered the benefits of mobility and mobile broadband to billions of people globally. Ericsson stock is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and on Nasdaq New York. www.ericsson.comEssity is a leading global hygiene and health company committed to improving well-being through products and services essential to everyday life marketed in around 150 countries. Essity has about 48,000 employees worldwide and net sales amounted to EUR 15 billion in 2022. In France, Essity has about 2,500 employees spread over 8 locations, including 6 manufacturing plants and a global R&D center for tissue-based hygiene products. The resulting innovations contribute to the Group's Net Zero objective by 2050, and enable Essity to offer market-leading hygiene and health products through renowned brands such as Actimove, Cutimed, Delta-Cast, Demak'Up, JOBST, Leukoplast, Lotus, Nana, Okay, Radiante, TENA, Tensosport and Tork. France is the Group's 4th largest market worldwide in terms of net sales. For over 13 years, Essity has been partnering with the French Red Cross allowing the cumulated distribution of over 1 million Hygiene Kits to vulnerable and homeless people everywhere in France.
www.essity.fr - @Essity_FR This is what we do
Every day the Volvo Group’s products deliver food and medicine, take children to schools, power irrigation systems and construct roads and buildings. The Volvo Group is driving prosperity through transport and infrastructure solutions. People have always moved and built things, so while that will not change – everything else must. This includes the speed at which we combat climate change, the way we use the planet’s limited resources and how we collaborate. Even the goals we are aspiring for – and there is global unity now – must meet the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This transition towards more resilient societies is being magnified as a consequence of extraordinary events such as global pandemics and natural disasters, effecting peoples health and safety and causing financial distress. Together with our customers, supply chain partners, governments, societies and other stakeholders, we are moving quickly to develop and offer cleaner, safer and more circular transport solutions. We believe corruption must be fought, human rights respected, and education for all secured if we are to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals – the world’s agenda for a better planet. Quality, safety and environmental care are part of our heritage and identity. To stay relevant and contribute to more prosperous societies, we will continue to provide our customers with more sustainable and profitable solutions. Together we shape the world we want to live in.
Alfa Laval is a world leader in heat transfer,centrifugal separation, and fluid handling, and is active in the areas of Energy, Marine, and Food & Water, offering its expertise, products, and service to a wide range of industries in some 100 countries. The company is committed to optimizing processes, creating responsible growth, and driving
progress to support customers in achieving their business goals and
sustainability targets. Alfa Laval’s innovative technologies arededicated to purifying, refining, and reusing materials, promoting more responsible use of natural resources. They contribute to improved energy efficiency and heat recovery, better water treatment, and reduced emissions. Thereby, Alfa Laval is not only accelerating success for its customers, but also for people and the planet. Making the world better, every day. Alfa Laval has 20,300 employees. Annual salesin 2022 were SEK 52.1 billion (approx. EUR 4.9 billion). The company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.In 1955, Carl Erik Josef Nyberg (C.E.J.N.) designed and patented a revolutionary quick connect coupling that overcame many of the shortcomings of previous designs. It
dramatically simplified handling and provided reliable, efficient connections. Following World War II, compressed air was increasingly used as an energy source for pneumatic tools and equipment. Leaking and inefficient couplings were a common problem, and one also experienced by our founder Carl, who struggled to keep up with his hourly piece-work as a tool grinder at the Royal Armour Regiment. This new product became the basis for a large part of CEJN’s modern range of products as well as the starting point for our global growth. Our designis based on small external and large internal dimensions. Ever since Carl invented that first coupling, patented in 1955, we have been expanding our product lines, from compressed air initially to now include and cover media such as breathing air, hydraulic oil and fluids. We concentrate on developing innovative engineering solutions with a focus on safety as well as continuing to improve standard products and designing new ones. At CEJN, weare united by our five core values: safety, environment, quality, innovation and performance. They are our cornerstones and define who we are, how we work, what we believe in and what we stand for.As a major player in energy transition, EDF Group is an integrated energy company active in all businesses: generation, transmission, distribution, energy trading, energy sales and energy services. EDF is a world leader in low-carbon energy, having developed a diverse production mix based mainly on nuclear and renewable energy, including hydropower. EDF’s raison d’être is to build a net zero energy future with electricity and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive well-being and economic development. The Group is supplying energy and services to approximately 40.3 million customers, of whom 30.3 million in France. It generated consolidated sales of €143.5 billion in 2022. EDF is also investing in new technologies to support energy transition and meet growing energy demand, by providing low-carbon solutions and building sustainable and multi-industry partnerships. In March 2023, EDF has launched NUWARD, its subsidiary dedicated to the development of its Small Modular Reactor.
Fagerhult creates premium lighting solutions that enhance human well-being in professional and public environments. With sustainability and connectivity at heart, we focus on office, education, healthcare, retail and outdoor applications. We work closely with customers and partners in the European market and provide lighting solutions globally – with tailor-made solutions for our customers. Originated in the dark Swedish forests, the importance of light has always been crucial for us. Knowledge of light is omething we cherish, and something we want to share. We use our lighting knowledge and colllaborative mindset to create a brighter future. Our vision is to create light for a better living. Fagerhult is part of the Fagerhult Group, one of Europe's leading lighting companies with 4,100 employees in 27 countries around the world. Fagerhult is one of the twelve brands in the group's portfolio.
H&M Group is a family of brands and businesses enabling customers around the world to express themselves through fashion and design, and to make more sustainable choices. For 75 years, H&M Group, has with the long-term owners the Persson family, driven the development of the company into new concepts, markets, business models and ideas. Our ambition is to continuously develop to create value with a focus on sustainable and profitable growth. Our longer-term perspective allows us to continue to invest in further improving the customer offering and experience as well as in innovations within tech development, materials, and sustainable initiatives. We want to lead the change, support a circular fashion industry and be a fair and equal company. Within H&M Group we want everyone to be themselves, and respect others for who they are. H&M Group has a strong setup of multi-brand functions supporting to enable each brand’s unique vision and goals. This includes H&M, COS, Monki, Weekday, & Other Stories, H&M HOME, H&M Move, ARKET and Afound. Together they offer a great variety of styles and trends within fashion and accessories, beauty, and sportswear as well as interiors.
IKEA is a Home furnishing retail company. IKEA France employs more than 12 000 coworkers (Meubles IKEA France, Distribution Service IKEA France and IKEA Centres France), operates 36 stores, a planning studio, 5 home service points, 4 warehouses, one customer support center, an e-commerce website IKEA.fr, a phone app. For the fiscal year 2023*, IKEA Retail France turnover amounted to 3,8 billion euros, stores had 56,6 million visits, and online sales amounted to 24,6% of the global turnover. IKEA France takes part in the sustainable strategy, People and Planet Positive, set forth by Ingka Group (IKEA main franchisee) which aims at having a positive impact on climate by 2030 and inspire the many people to live a more sustainable life at home. IKEA France covers 158% of its energy consumption through its production of renewable energies in FY23 (wind, solar), and aims to deliver all its customers with 100% zero-emission solutions in France by 2025. IKEA bases its development on a strong Swedish corporate culture and strong values which are the keys to its success. This culture and values shared by all coworkers and countries in which IKEA operates helps everyone to grow and contribute to IKEA Vision – to create a better everyday life for the many people.
*From September 1st 2022 to August 31st 2023
By combining smart transport solutions, technological innovation and a partnership approach, we’re working to make sustainable transport a reality. Our offering includes trucks and buses for heavy transport applications combined with an extensive product-related service offering. Scania offers vehicle financing, insurance, and rental services to enable our customers to focus on their core business. Scania is also a leading provider of industrial and marine engines. We are determined to continuously align our operations with the vision of a sustainable development. By managing our impact across the value chain, we are confident that we are building the foundation for today’s and tomorrow’s business success. To drive the shift to a sustainable transport system, we need to lead by example. Across our business, we are focused on managing our impacts on people and the planet throughout our value chain. Our sustainability actions are focused on three interconnected priorities, based on our key impacts throughout our product life cycle: people, sustainability, decarbonisation and circular business. The priorities are central to our business strategy and reflected in all our corporate objectives
Securitas is a world-leading safety and security solutions partner that helps make your world a safer place. By leveraging technology in partnership with our clients, we offer a broad portfolio of value-enhancing services and solutions integrated across the security value chain – from on-site services to advanced monitoring, comprehensive risk prediction and advisory services. With around 350 000 employees in 44 markets, our innovative, holistic approach with local and global expertise makes us a trusted business partner to many of the world’s best-known companies. Benefitting from almost nine decades of deep experience and guided by our values of integrity, vigilance, and helpfulness, we create sustainable value by helping our clients optimize their operations and protect what matters most - their people and assets.
SKF is a world-leading provider of innovative solutions that help industries become more competitive and sustainable. By making products lighter, more efficient, longer lasting, and repairable, we help our customers improve their rotating equipment performance and reduce their environmental impact. Our offering around the rotating shaft includes bearings, seals, lubrication management, condition monitoring, and services. Founded in 1907, SKF is represented in more than 130 countries and has around 17,000 distributor locations worldwide. Annual sales in 2022 were SEK 96,933 million and the number of employees was 42,641. 7 SKF sites are locatedin France with about 2900 employees. 10% of our investments for the 10 past years in France are focused on decarbonization and energy efficiency, and 4% of our turnover is dedicated to research and development. Together, were-imagine rotation for a better tomorrow – By creating intelligent and clean solutions for people and the planet.
® SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group.
Vattenfall is a leading European energy company, which for more than 100 years has electrified industries, supplied energy to people’s homes and modernised people’s way of living through innovation and cooperation. We work to enable the fossil freedom that drives society forward. We are committed to building a future where everyone can choose fossil free ways to move, make and live. Our goal is net zero emissions in our entire value chain by 2040 at the latest and it has been validated by the Science Based Target initiative as being in line with the 1,5° target of the Paris Agreement. We are involved in innovative partnerships to enable the decarbonisation of the transport and industry sectors. Among these partnerships, we can mention Hybrit, a joint initiative with SSAB and LKAB aiming at producing fossil free steel at commercial scale by 2026 thanks to green hydrogen, and our collaboration with Cake that goal is to produce an entirely fossil free motorbike by 2025. We employ approximately 20,000 people, have about 14 millions clients and operate mainly in Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and the UK. Vattenfall is present in France for more than 20 years as energy supplier to businesses and residential clients and aim to grow in the production side, notably through offshore wind. Vattenfall is fully owned by the Swedish state.
Other Partners
Blykalla is a Swedish producer of small modular reactors (SMRs). We develop and build the next generation of nuclear power, enabling clean, safe, and consistent baseload energy. Our reactor is based on 25+ years of research which Blykalla is now taking to market. It uses lead as a coolant, which makes it possible to achieve passive safety in its most compact form, and has important benefits in terms of safety and system simplifications. Our mission is to cut global CO2 emissions by 500 megaton annually through the replacement of fossil power plants. We are currently working together with international utilities and partners like Uniper and OKG to deliver Sweden’s next nuclear reactor, with planned criticality by 2029.
Elonroad, a pioneering Swedish cleantech company, driveselectrification through conductive charging solutions. Their innovative approach not only promotes sustainability but also leads to significant cost savings and operational flexibility for diverse customer segments such as ports, mines, and public roads. By integrating charging echnology directly into road surfaces, Elonroad facilitates seamless charging for electric vehicles in motion or parked. Central to Elonroad's solution is a sophisticated network of IoTsensors embedded in the infrastructure. These sensors play a crucial role by collecting real-time data, monitoring road conditions, and enhancing overall safety measures.
Founded to power a digital Europe, evroc is building a secure, sovereign, and sustainable hyperscale cloud with best-in-class services and developer experience. The company is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, with a development office in Sophia-Antipolis, France. By 2028, evroc will operate eight hyperscale data centers and three software development hubs across Europe.
At FTPA, we are paving the way for a profound transformation of the legal profession combining legal and technical know-how. FTPA is aninternational full practice business law firm founded more than 50 years ago providing customized strategic solutions in complex legal matters. Our activities cover various fields of expertise implementing our dedication to constantly evolve towards more climate friendly running methods and assist our clients to meet their sustainable environmental obligations. We have developed a strong expertise in the digital field and work closely with our clients in their digitalization processes and development of online tools. Smart contracts enabling the automatic performance of contract terms and audits are in progress. The FTPA blockchain platform allows our clients to protect their innovations and trade secrets efficiently to be able to safely share them and accelerate creation.
Helsing is a new type of defence AI company. We believe that software, in particular artificial intelligence, will be the key to protecting our democracies. Our purpose is to attain technological leadership so that democratic societies are free to make sovereign decisions and control their ethical standards. Our approach is software-first. We partner with industry and governments to connect existing and new hardware platforms with advanced AI. Helsingrecently announced that it has raised €209m in a Series B funding round led by General Catalyst. The Swedish group Saab is joining the round as a strategic investor, deepening the existing partnership.
Volvo Cars was founded in 1927. Today,it is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world with sales to customers in more than 100 countries. Volvo Cars is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange, where it is traded under the ticker “VOLCAR B”. Volvo Cars aims to provide customerswith the Freedom to Move in a personal, sustainable and safe way. This is reflected in its ambition to become a fully electric car maker by 2030 and in its commitment to an ongoing reduction of its carbon footprint, with the ambition to be a climate-neutral company by 2040. As of December 2022, Volvo Cars employedapproximately 43,200 full-time employees. Volvo Cars' head office, product development, marketing and administration functions are mainly located in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Cars' production plants are located in Gothenburg, Ghent (Belgium), South Carolina (US), Chengdu, Daqing and Taizhou (China). The company also has R&D and design centres in Gothenburg, Camarillo (US) and Shanghai (China).
We have a unique setup that combines venture creation and tech investments within a single organization. This advantage enables us to identify new research and deep tech opportunities with both commercial and impact potential, all within Chalmers’ entrepreneurial ecosystem. We are experts in starting up companies based on deep tech and research in the most effective manner possible. This process allows us to cultivate our own high-quality deal flow in which we invest and become active owners. Throughout the entire journey, we function as investors and venture builders until exit. Profits are reinvested through our evergreen model and allocated to Chalmers to support new, groundbreaking research.
The Institut Polytechnique de Paris is a world-class Institute of science and technology encompassing 5 prestigious French engineering Schools: École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis.
KTH Royal Institute of Technology is the engine of Stockholm’scelebrated innovation ecosystem. At the university, KTH Innovation helps close to 400 teams of students and faculty validate their early-stage tech ideas every year. KTH Innovation supports ideas in all areas, but has special expertise in deeptech. They work closely with regional and international partners to enable more technology and knowledge from KTH to create impact in society. KTH Innovation has developed and exports a unique startup innovation development framework inspired by NASA, the KTH Innovation Readiness LevelTM,which offers methods and processes used by hundreds of universities and organizations worldwide.
In untouched nature North of the Arctic Circle in Sweden crystal clear water surfaces in a spring at the foot of Mount Hirvasåive. Before coming to surface the water passes through nature's owndecades long cycle of cleansing, unchanged for thousands of years. The result is a unique natural mineral water containing very low quantities of dissolvedparticles and neutral pH-value. Åive is one of the purest mineralwater in the World. All mineral waters have different qualities. The water characteristics can be studied by reading the labels on the bottles for the respective mineral waters. Here you can see the comparison between Åive and four common waters on the European market. We invite you to tryÅive and compare withother mineral waters and are confident that you will like it as much as we do.
Enjoy, and please remember to provide your body with a sufficient amount of water every day.
www.aive.sePioneering Swedish skincare powered by nature since 2008. L:a Bruket values a holistic vision of beauty and well-being, strongly influenced by Swedish nature and spa culture. L:a Bruket Founders, Mats Johansson & Monica Kylén, see skin health as the route to beautym with natural and organic formulas valuing quality over quantity, respecting the skin and biodiversity and ensuring effectiveness and optimal tolerance. Through Forest Pledge, one of our charitable commitments, we donate 5% of net sales from the Spruce collection to Naturarvet, a Swedish foundation that buys old-growth forests to preserve them forever. Celebrating 15 years in 2023, we continue to champion a holistic vision of beauty and well-being, firmly rooted in Swedish culture and nature.
Made in Sweden.
The history of Orrefors is the story of how the simplest ingredients – lime, sand and soda – can become magnificent glass objects. The proximity of the forest, the craftsmen and designers made Orrefors a global leader in glass. Today, we maintain this proud heritage by making sure that our products meet the principles of Scandinavian design: innovation, functionality, craftmanship, timeless aesthetics and sustainable quality. Important values that survive the test of time. Now in its125th anniversary, Orrefors sets sight on re-introducing our impressive archive to a new audience and form new design partnerships to deliver iconic products for future generations. The story about Orrefors’ celebrated designs continues. Orrefors has always been about what's to come. Driven forward in search of new techniques, expressions, designs – and designers. Curious to discover more of the endless possibilities of glass. From earlyon, we've made it our hallmark to bring together traditional craftsmanship with the most visionary minds of the day. Merging past and present – in order to shape the future. This recipe has rendered some of our biggest successes. Incelebrating the Orrefors 125th anniversary, we set our sights on re-introducing select parts of our comprehensive archive to new audiences, as well as forming new design partnerships delivering iconic products for future generations. Be sure to follow us as Orrefors' grand journey in glass and design continues.
Le Pavillon Vendôme
Le Pavillon Vendôme, the historic landmark of Banque de Suède et de Paris was created in 1913 and later acquired by Ivar Kreuger, famous Swedish businessman at the origin of many of our large Swedish multinationals of today. Banque de Suède et de Paris remains an iconic symbol for Swedish companies and for French-Swedish businesses.
The vault rooms are still in place and so are the masterpieces of artist Ewald Dahlskog, Swedish painter, ceramist, designer, and decorator of the art deco period, who created three famous frescoes along the top room wall, at the request of Ivar Kreuger.
Photo Source: Nikolai Jakobsen
How to get to Pavillon Vendôme
Car parking: Parking Indigo Paris Vendôme, located on Place Vendôme
Metro stations: Madeleine, Pyramides or Tuileries
Chambre de Commerce Suédoise en France
Founded in 1915, CCSF’s mission is to promote business relations and commerce between France and Sweden. Constantly broadening its network, the Chamber aims to be a dynamic platform for all companies: start-ups, small, midsize and large corporates, B2B, B2C, from traditional industry to the new economy.
CCSF provides unique business support solutions for Swedish companies in France and facilitate company set-ups: company domiciliations, meeting room facilities, event spaces, an exceptional network of contacts, a French-Swedish PR hub with a broad panorama of activities, 40,000 visitors to its website, many subscribers to its newsletter and followers on its various social media channels.
Chambre de Commerce Suédoise en France
of th.
Business Sweden is jointly owned by the Swedish state and the Swedish business sector with a mandate and a mission to help international companies gain access to the Swedish market and help domestic ones utilize it as a platform for expansion. Our clients range from start-ups to small- and medium-sized businesses to multinational enterprises – with tailor-made services catering to all these segments. We have a holistic approach, offering both hands-on support and strategic and practical expertise with a unique capability to create access where access is hard to achieve, both in Sweden and through our 44 offices globally.
Business France is the national agency supporting the international development of the French economy, responsible for fostering export growth by French businesses, as well as promoting and facilitating international investment in France. It promotes France’s companies, business image and nationwide attractiveness as an investment location, and also runs the VIEinternational internship program. Business France has 1,500 personnel, both in France and in 55 countries throughout the world, who work with a network of partners. Since January 2019, as part of the reform of the state support system for exports, Business France has given private partners responsibility for supporting French SMEs and mid-size companies in the following markets: Belgium, Hungary, Morocco, Norway, the Philippines and Singapore. .
The Swedish Embassy in Paris’ mission is to represent Sweden and the Swedish government in France and to promote Swedish interests. We are approximately 30 people working at the Swedish Embassy in Paris compound by both diplomatic and locally employed staff. There are four different services such political and economic affairs, communication, administration, and consular affairs. There are also 11 Swedish Consulates in France. Ambassador Håkan Åkesson is the Head of Mission since September 2020. The Embassy has close contact with other Swedish organisations in France such as Institut suédois (Swedish Institute in Paris), Business Sweden, Visit Sweden, the Swedish church, and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce.
The French Embassy in Sweden is the diplomatic representation of the French Republic in Sweden, with the mission to represent the French government in Sweden and to promote French interests. It is located in Stockholm, and its ambassador has been Etienne de Gonneville since 2020.
Live Broadcast
To watch the Live Broadcast of the
French-Swedish Business Summit - 'Strategic Innovation Collaborations for a Competitive Europe'
click here : https://vimeo.com/882830955
Chambre de Commerce Suédoise en France
+33 (0) 1 44 43 05 15
Hashtag for the French-Swedish Business Day
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